About NTR

NTR is the independent Dutch public service broadcaster specializing in information, education and culture. NTR’s themes are based on the statutory duties of the three public service broadcasters which in 2010 merged into NTR: NPS, Teleac and RVU.

In the Dutch public service broadcasting system NTR is one of the large broadcasters with a statutory public service mission. These broadcasters distinguish themselves from a large number of broadcasting associations whose existence is dependent on members. NTR is independent and non-affiliated, and can focus entirely on substance. NTR wants to make special programmes for everyone – programmes that educate people and enrich their lives.

NTR expresses its identity in its logo: NTR colon. NTR has a great deal to say and to show. NTR stands for depth and enrichment, for information and surprise, for development and for personal growth.

NTR: Dutch Public Service Broadcaster for Information, Education and Culture 


NTR Themes:

Current topics
As a public service broadcaster without members, NTR is independent. Content comes first for us. This is shown, among other things, in our daily current topics tv program Nieuwsuur and radio program Nieuws en Co, both co-productions with NOS, and our weekly discussion program De Sociëteit, which focuses on developments in the multicultural society. In our daily radio program 5 Dagen (a co-production with PowNed) we travel by bus to regions all over the country.

NTR sees diversity as a creative challenge rather than a problem, which you can see across our programming. We reflect the multicultural society in all its manifestations in our programs; from serious documentary series to light entertainment programs, thus setting an example in Europe. NTR also takes care of the airtime for Muslims and for Hindus.

Our history programs show surprising similarities between the past and the present. Andere Tijden is a good example, as well as Verborgen verleden (the Dutch version of the British programma Who do you think you are?) and Het verhaal van Nederland. Andere Tijden Sport, a co-production with NOS, is another popular program. As a spin-off of our series for adults, we also do history programs for children, like Welkom bij de Romeinen and Welkom in de Middeleeuwen. Alternating comedy and information makes these programs popular among both young and older viewers. Our partnership with the Rijksmuseum results in projects like the annual election ‘History teacher of the year’.

Our informative programs give insight in many topics. The programs of Danny Ghosen are a good example, as well as De broeders Van Rossem or Het echte leven in de dierentuin. Besides many short-term series, we regularly produce informative documentaries, radio programs and podcasts, like DOCS and Kunststof, personal interviews with prominent people in art, culture and media.

The playful mix of information, education and comedy is characteristic of our children's programs. Programs like Het Klokhuis and Het Sinterklaasjournaal have proved this for years. With schooltv.nl NTR provides a sizeable source of educational clips and excerpts from all our children's programs, besides programs like Nieuwsuur in de klas en Andere Tijden in de klas. These excerpts can easily be found by entering a keyword. Easy for both school and home use.

Art and Culture
NTR's cultural programming is broad and varied: from classical to pop, from drama to documentary. Het Uur van de Wolf, Top 2000 are well-known titles on tv, as is NTR ZaterdagMatinee, live from the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, on radio. Characteristic is our focus on genres that are not, or hardly, presented by other broadcasters, such as opera, ballet and jazz. We like to give young talent a platform, for example in our classical music program Podium Klassiek. NTR is a media partner of many events, including Pinkpop and North Sea Jazz.

NTR is proud to be the number one science public service broadcaster in the Netherlands. We make science accessible to the greater audience by using a cross-media approach with the platform NTR Wetenschap, including the weekly tv program Focus. Besides this NTR is also the broadcasting organization behind the service portal NPO Kennis, which offers thorough backgrounds on science, but also on history, politics, economy and culture.